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Chromebook Apps

Chrome Legacy Apps (NOT Extensions). These are deprecated and still supported only in Chrome OS (Chromebooks)

Plugins (Chrome App)

This is our plugins management app for Chromebooks. It will not work on Mac, Windows or Linux. For these operating systems you want the Plugins extension. This is just a menu with shortcuts to Chrome plugins settings. When installed, it looks like this: It’s just… Read More »Plugins (Chrome App)

Close & Clean (app)

Close all pages and cleanup the browser Note that this is Chrome App — not an extension. Chrome apps are only available for Chrome OS and will not work on other browsers. Get the Close & Clean extension if you are Mac, Windows or Linux… Read More »Close & Clean (app)

Today’s Date App

Simple app that shows you the date and some related info. “Today’s Date” is a simple chrome app which does exactly what it’s name says – shows you the current date 🙂 In addition it shows the current week, day of the week, the roman… Read More »Today’s Date App

About Button (app)

This is just a shortcut to Chrome “about” page – the one that lists all internal Chrome URLs.  It’s just a button that will be added to the Chrome apps list (and will be visible in Chrome App Launcher too). Click on the icon and… Read More »About Button (app)

Extensions Button (app)

This is just a shortcut to Chrome extensions page.  It’s just an alternative of the “Extensions” menu item but accessible from the Chrome apps list and in the Chrome App Launcher. Click on the “Extensions” icon and you’ll open the Extensions page of the browser.… Read More »Extensions Button (app)

History Button (App)

This is just a shortcut to Chrome History page.  The only reason to install this is if you want to add “History” shortcut to the Apps tab (or Chrome App Launcher). Click on the icon and you’ll open the History page. That’s literally everything this… Read More »History Button (App)

Downloads App

This is just a shortcut to chrome://downloads This is Chrome app that may still work on Chromebooks but is discontinued on all other operating systems. The app will not work on Mac, Windows or Linux and is is unsupported and provided “as-is” If you want an… Read More »Downloads App

Settings App

This is just a shortcut to Chrome™ Settings page, nothing more. When installed, it will add “Settings” icon to your Apps list (you know, when you click ‘Apps” on the New Tab page;) When you click the “Settings” shortcut, it will open the chrome://settings page. Thats all… Read More »Settings App

Bookmarks Button (app)

This is just a shortcut to Chrome bookmarks page.  It’s just an alternative of the “Bookmarks” menu item accessible from the Chrome apps list and the Chrome App Launcher. Click on the “Bookmarks” icon and you’ll open the Bookmarks page of the browser. It does… Read More »Bookmarks Button (app)

Cleaner (App)

Singleclick Cleaner version as a Chrome App (Chromebooks only) This is legacy Chrome app that may still work on Chromebooks but is discontinued on all other operating systems. Install the extension instead: The last update of this app was years ago. Nowadays I can’t even… Read More »Cleaner (App)