Click and merge all open windows in single one
Extension for Chrome, Firefox and Opera
In the current version you can change the icon with one of several predefined versions or — if you want — you can provide your own icon. To access the options page — right click on the “Merge Windows” icon and select “Options…”

Big thanks to Derek Nelson for the icon.
Merge Windows now comes with “Exclude” functionality that can be used to prevent some tab (for example gmail or some other site you want to keep open in separate window) from merging when you click the “merge” button
To access this feature, right-click on the icon and select “Options” from the menu:

Then — scroll down to the “Excluded Hosts” section to add the domains / hostnames you want to prevent from merging
How Exclusions Works
You can add a host manually. Type the full hostname (including the protocol in the begining) and click the “Add Exclusion” button
There will be also a list of all currently open tabs, with the hostnames extracted, so you can pick one of them directly
At the time of this writing it looks like this:

(The interface may change between extension/browser versions, but the main functionality should remain the same.)
Few more things:
- Always include everything from the beginning of the URL, including the “https://” or “chrome://” etc. part (the protocol). For example, will work, while will not work; the merge function will then just look each tab to see if the current url starts with the given text and if so will not merge it
- If you want to prevent only specific page in some domain, put the full pat in the exclusions list
- Dont write something like “https://” in the list, because this will stop any site from merging
- There is no way to preserve whole window (with many tabs) between Chrome sessions, so if you want several tabs to remain in some excluded window, add them all
- If you click the merge button while being in the same window where the excluded tab resides, all other tabs from other windows will be merged into this window (please, let me know if you think this behaviour should be different). Currently my logic is that we are preventing this tab to be moved to another window but not the other way around…
Version History:
Version 1.5
There are two major updates in this version:
* Better handling of browser-windows that should not be merged — apps, popups etc. This is still not completely possible (because not always the window type is properly reported by the browser), so I added one additional feature:
* Settings exceptions for specific hosts: now you can go to the “Options” page and set specific domain/host/extension url to be always skipped when merging tabs and windows. This way, if you want to keep gmail open for example, you just add “” to the exceptions and the extension will know not to merge this tab anymore.
version 1.4.1
This is another minor bugfix release. The extension was not always remembering your custom icon (if set) between restarts. Now it should work as expected.
If you are unsure what it is all about — these are the icon options on the settings page we introduced some time ago.
In the previous version of Merge Windows we added an option to load your own toolbar icon (from your hard disk). But we found strange bug — from time to time, between Chrome restarts, the icon was replaced by the default one.
Now it should work as expected, but please, if you see the bug to reappear — drop us a line at our contacts page.
Remember that if you load your own image as toolbar icon, it should be 19×19 pixels (or only the top-left 19 pixels will be used) and the file should be one of the standard formats (like gif, jpg, png…)
If you select proper image from disk, you should see the toolbar icon changed immediately, and now you should still see it after restarting Chrome.
version 1.4
This is minor bugfix release. One of the toolbar icons wasn’t always working after restarting Chrome. Now that was fixed and all the predefined icons should work.
version 1.3
There is only one change in this version: in addition to the predefined icons we added in the last version, you can now set your own image for extension’s icon (from local image file). Soon after our last update (when we added the option to select between different colors for the icon), one user wrote us to ask for such a feature (because none of our icons happened to “merge” with his browser). It took us some time, but finally we have it. Just go to the options page and load your own icon.
Note that you must load 19×19 pixels image (bigger pictures will not work — only the top/left 19 pixels will be used).
Most popular formats (we tested PNG, JPEG and BMP) are supported but feel free to try others (althought PSD will definitely not work;-)
Merge Windows
Last Updated: Jun 7, 2021