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Plugins Button Update


Plugins Button has been updated to version 5.0

What's New

The plugins menu is now extended to include additional history control options -- a shortcut to the internal Chrome cleaner (very useful but quite hidden tool) and (optional) integration with our History On/Off extension, which gives you the ability to pause and resume history recording with single click (something that Chrome doesn't offer out-of-the-box)

The new menu looks like this:

Plugins Button Screenshot

We believe with these new options the "Plugins" extension is now even more useful -- everyone needs to clean cache and history from time to time and the ability to stop history tracking at will can be very handy when you are sharing a computer with others. For more detailed info on the new buttons -- read below.

Chrome Cleaner

This button will open the internal history cleaner of Chrome itself. It will look like this:

Plgins Screenshot

The interface may change between browser versions, but the cleaner is here, ready to be used.

History On/Off

The other new option is the history tracking on/off switch. It needs our other extension -- History On/Off -- to be added to Chrome. When installed, it will integrate with the plugins menu and you'll be able to stop / resume history recording with a click.

Plugins Button Screenshot

To enable this option you need to install our History On/Off extension:


These are all the important changes in this version.

Older News (change log):

What's new in version 4.0

What's new in version 3.3

What's new in version 3.2

What's new in version 3.1

What's new in version 3.0 and what happened to the chrome://plugins page?


While we are on it ...

Did you know that we have some other extensions like this Plugins Button? Here are some of them:

Settings Button

Your quicker way to access the Chrome settings



Add Settings Button to your browser and open the settings panel with single click.

Get it on Chrome Web Store »


Downloads Button

The same as the Settings button above, but for the downloads page



Add Downloads Button to your browser and open the downloads with one single click:

Get it on Chrome Web Store »